
In addition to my work as an Executive Coach, I’m also the Chair of two Vistage groups in Los Angeles. Vistage is the world’s largest organization for CEOs and business owners and I was a member myself for 17 years. Here are some articles describing what’s involved in membership and how you can benefit as a leader. If you’d like to learn more, drop me a line or give me a call.

Where are Vistage Meetings Held?

Vistage Los Angeles

After a short introductory conversaton, many of my prospective Vistage members search for additional information about the commitments and obligations that go along with being part of a high performing Vistage group – maybe one of the reasons you’re reading […]

Ready to get started with The Oken Company?

Brian Oken has helped dozens of business owners and CEOs become better leaders, build more effective teams and grow bottom-line profits.

If you're ready for some straight-line, actionable strategies that you can implement immediately to start getting better results, contact him today.

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