Vistage Los Angeles

Top 7 Reasons Why People Join Vistage

Today’s post deals with matters familiar to most entrepreneurs and CEOs – our common struggles. We may come from all walks of life but we all have similar issues. Perhaps you’ll recognize yourself in one of the thoughts below.

As a Vistage Chair, these are some of the top reasons I’ve found as to why people join Vistage:

  1. “My management team members come to me with THEIR issues, but I don’t have anyone I can go to to discuss MY issues…in some cases, issues about my management team.”
  2. “Our team appears to be working hard, but they just don’t appear to all be rowing in the same direction and that’s holding us back from reaching our potential.”
  3. “I started my business for financial rewards and freedom; instead, I often feel trapped. I spend so much time working IN my business, that I can’t figure out how to work ON my business.”
  4. “We think we’ve hired the right person but after six months, it’s clear we made a hiring mistake.  I’m at a loss as to where all these great employees are that companies talk about.”
  5. “I feel guilty about all the hours I’m working. My spouse is getting on my case and I’m missing the kids. I want to spend more time doing the things I want to do.”
  6. “I love going to conferences and hearing new ideas but I can only go sporadically. I miss that sense of inspiration and motivation on a regular basis.”
  7. “I know my culture needs to improve but I don’t know where to go or what to do to get started.”

Have you ever had any of these thoughts? If so, you’re not alone. Most CEOs and business owners deal with these issues on a regular basis.

The key point here is to ask yourself…  if nothing were to change in the next 6 months, 12 months or 2 years and you don’t deal with your current issues:

  • What is the potential cost to your organization?
  • What is the value of lost potential sales and strategic opportunities?
  • How much more productive and efficient could you and your employees be?
  • How will your working and personal relationships be affected if these issues are not addressed? And, who holds you accountable to making these changes?

If you believe you are dealing with these issues, how much better could the results be if you had the perspective of 15 other business owners and CEOs providing input on your progress and decisions?

Vistage provides a safe, confidential environment where you can discuss your business with other successful business owners, try out new ideas, and get feedback before you actually make a decision critical to your business.


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Brian Oken has helped dozens of business owners and CEOs become better leaders, build more effective teams and grow bottom-line profits.

If you're ready for some straight-line, actionable strategies that you can implement immediately to start getting better results, contact him today.

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