“Be not afraid of going slowly, be afraid only of standing still.” – Chinese proverb Most likely, you have a people and culture problem that is costing you profitability, growth and leadership effectiveness. Not to mention making it difficult for […]
Brian Oken
Imagine The Future
The goal posts have moved – not further away but closer than ever. What used to be considered 10-year stretch visions are now achievable in 3-5 years, pressuring CEOs to really think what 10 year visions should look like. Many […]
Were You Right or Were You Wrong?
More and more people are becoming affected from Covid-19. If you or anyone in your immediate universe has been a victim of the pandemic, my sincere wishes that you’ve come through this ok. If you are related to someone who […]
8 Additional Ways to Improve Remote Employee Accountability
Recently, I shared with you the first 7 of 15 tips to improve accountability of employees working from home (as well as in the office). Here are the remaining 8. 1. Stop doing their work – Don’t measure accountability of […]
Persistence, Determination, and Commitment. Timeless Leadership Qualities That Worked For Ulysses S. Grant & Will Work For You
I’ve always considered myself a strategist. And, a history buff. In fact, one of my degrees is in history. I’ve always believed that you can learn from the actions and results of others, such as, Ulysses S. Grant. As a […]
7 Ways To Improve Remote Employee Accountability
We shortchange our employees when we associate accountability of remote employees with discipline. Often times what we perceive as a lack of accountability has its roots somewhere else. At the end of the day, what you really want is to […]