Many of you are questioning your executive team’s ability to bring your ideas to fruition, leaving you pondering management team performance. But I know what you’d really like to be working on is growth and sustainability. So, which takes precedence […]
Leaders Getting Results Practice These Behaviors
Before we get to my main points, I wanted to share an observation that may make you feel a little less alone during these unnerving times. I’m hearing of a growing sense of weariness taking over. Phrases such as “out […]
12 Questions That Will Impact Your Future
What’s it like to run a business and work in the world of the unknown? That’s what we’re doing right now. There’s no script, no instruction books, nothing in the modern age to refer back to as you manage a […]
Too Much of a Good Thing is a Bad Thing
As a business owner and CEO you need to be out front, especially when a crisis develops. Now, I know you’re well intentioned and you’re doing everything you can to either take advantage of opportunity or keep your business afloat. […]
Why You Need to Retain Daily, Remote Huddles to Keep Your Team Productive
Business owners and CEOs are a resilient bunch. I’m hearing words such as “curious,” “determined,” “opportunity,” “hopeful” and “open” to describe current mindsets. Your continued drive to do better, be better, and lead teams to places others can’t imagine is […]
Acceptance & Aspiration
As the business environment moves from what was believed to be a short term inconvenience to implementing long-term strategic contingencies as we manage through change, what decisions are you making that determine the forward direction of your business? Here are […]